Saturday 24 January 2015

Favourite Look of The Week

This week on the Favourite Look of The Week I choose the Delevingne sisters (Cara & Poppy). They both had an amazing look this week that I really like.

Cette semaine dans le "Favourite Look of The Week" j'ai choisi les soeurs Delevingne (Cara et Poppy). Les deux portaient un look que j'aime beaucoup. 

Cara Delevingne:

I like this look. It's simple, fashionable, chic and pretty.  I like the fact that she adds a bit of contract with the gold jewelleries and creates a nice look with them. I like her dress and her shoes too.  Beautiful and awesome look! 

J'aime ce look simple, "fashionable", chic et beau.  J'aime le fait qu'elle a ajoutée un contraste avec ses bijoux doré. Cela crée un beau look.  J'aime sa robe et ses souliers.  Très beau et fantastique look! 

Poppy Delevingne: 

I love this jumpsuit. It's simple, chic, fashionable and pretty.  Her bag adds some contrast and color to the outfit.  She doesn't wear a lot of jewellery and accessories and her look is still pretty. It's a great example of a simple look. Love it! 

J'adore ce "jumpsuit". C'est simple, chic, "fashionable et beau. Son sac ajoute un contraste et de la couleur à l'outfit.  Elle ne porte pas beaucoup de bijoux et d'accessoires et son look rester à la mode.  C'est un bel exemple d'un look simple. J'adore ! 

Which look do you prefer? Do you like them? Leave me a comment below! :) 
Quel  look préfères-tu? Est-ce que tu les aimes? Laisse-moi un commentaire! :) 

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